Warning signs
in your marketing

The purpose of marketing is to solicit a response. These signs may mean your marketing is making more noise than connection.

Minimal focus on value

When you take an honest look at your marketing messaging it’s all about the business rather than the value you can bring to your audience. Self-promotion is not about promoting you; it’s about promoting what you can do for others.

Poor differentiation from competition

To the consumer, there is little to no difference between your business and the other guy.

Lack of customer connection

Instead of getting your audience to identify with your organization on a deep and differentiated level, it succumbs to endless promotions, discounts and special offers, ballooning your marketing budget.


Your marketing team continues to chase trends as a focus. Nothing can cause your organization to lose focus more quickly than the relentless pursuit of trends. Relevance is not the same as trendiness. An organization is relevant when it fulfills the needs of its target audience.

Poor metrics

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are trending downward, or worse you don't have any in the first place.